When you are new to the field of marketing, there is always the problem of what to start with. On the Internet, you always have multiple options to choose from. And each task you are required to do for your marketing needs won’t be at the same place. Since there is no specific order of things to be done, that again leads to further confusion. But that was all before WordPress came into being.
With the creation of WordPress by Automattic, there has been a revolution happening both in words and figures. Their ultimate feature of website creation has made it possible for anyone to have a website of their own, that too for free. Even if you don’t create a personally customized one, at least a prototype can be created and tested on WordPress. Their second key feature would be blogging. Posting blogs has become much easier now and people can post blogs without having to know its technicalities. Even for website creation, knowledge of HTML is not required at all.
If you are wondering WordPress’s importance in marketing, then you have just read it! With provisions for website creations and blogging, these can be interlinked and used to gain more traffic through several SEO techniques. We can find SEO firms and experts who solely works for websites created by WordPress. That is the popularity WordPress is scoring online. And it is essential that we use this ease of conducting SEO activities on WordPress to our advantage.
On Page Optimization
On Page SEO is all about making your website more search friendly. You can do this by using relevant keywords and phrases in your content, adding meta tags, structuring your content effectively, using sensible URLs, and by improving the loading speed of your website. WordPress itself provides several plugins which will guide you through your content and advice you on how you can improve them. On page SEO is the essence of WordPress SEO and is simpler compared to its next feature.
Off Page Optimization
The slightly more complex counterpart to on page SEO, off page SEO involves modifications or improvements in the web code. It is an ongoing process and aims at building your website’s online exposure by encouraging others to form links with your website and to share details about your website on social media.
Again, plugins come to aid here. There are numerous plugins, some free, some paid which definitely makes SEO much easier with WordPress. For all your social media activities, several plugins such as Twitter Feed pro, Twitter Tools, etc. can be used. This is useful for creating back-links to your website. You can always tweet the top companies for a back-link because sending a mail to them might classify you as the occasional spammer. Gravity Feed Pro is a must have plugin for all activities related to form management and complete content management.
All these are easier said than done. It would always be feasible in all ways to employ professionals for WordPress SEO because the experts can always work wonders for you!