Make a website. It may sound unbelievable, but 60% of businesses in America do not have a website. And those ones who have one accumulate sales at a much greater rate than those which do not have a business website. The mantra for huge sales is now “A click is a sale”. Nowadays, anyone who is in need of a service would rely on the Internet to know the choices they have and what rates they can avail it profitably. In other words, Internet makes the decision for them without their realization.
All new brands are officially launched online now. There are extremely successful brands with their activities done completely online that they don’t have an office space at all. That is the undebatable power of the Internet, connecting people across continents and organizing them as a single unit without even having to come together. The online revolution is happening. Clearly, now is the best time to get that website done.
Making a Website = Starting a new venture
Imagine those initial stages of your career as an entrepreneur. It was a challenging spot, involving a lot of difficulty, order and precision. Creating the best website is all that, minus the difficulty. There are some crucial factors that you should keep in mind while about to make a website.
A well -organized layout for your website will play a great role when it comes to increased traffic. Positioning detail is the tricky part here. For example, placing the most important information, be it your contact details or a click button, on the top right corner of your page is a guaranteed way to have more sales as it has been determined that a person’s attention goes first to that spot when they access a page. Also, center oriented text on your page is also a norm.
Color scheme
Selecting an appropriate color scheme is an extremely important matter and is vital to the popularity of your website. For example, white letters on a cream background is irritating to the eye and discourages users from approaching that site. A light background and darker text are always preferred. Also, avoid using more than three colors in your page. After all, our goal is to make your website as professional as possible.
Font design
No one will want to read text which are tiny or cramped however cute that might look like. Also, big bold letters will give your web page an importance much sought for. Slice down your preferred fonts to two, maximum three, but not more.
Link Building
If the above three factors were just for giving your website a professional look, link building is food for search engine algorithms who play the most important role in increasing traffic for your website. The more authentic the links, higher the rating on the search engine’s result pages and more number of visitors will reach out to your website, the greater will be your fame and y0ur relevance.
With these four factors taken care of, making a website is easier. But if you want to focus on your business, website development is best left to a professional website designer.