Things You Should Aware of Before Making Personalized Content
These days, businesses prefer inbound marketing which refers to marketing tactics that bring audiences in, rather than businesses having to go out to get prospects’ attention. Digital marketing or online marketing is the most popular marketing technique and businesses spend millions of dollars on it get results in minimum turnaround. Inbound marketing gains the attention of target customers, makes your business easy to find, and draws customers to your website by producing interesting and most engaging content. One of the main themes of inbound marketing is personalization, and when it comes to realizing it perfectly, it can be quite tricky especially if you are confused about what it is. There are businesses which are not well aware of it and its importance in their content marketing campaigns.
What Personalization Is and Not
For your information, personalizing your content means customizing your content to the needs of your target customers. One way to develop personalized content is by understanding where your site visitor was referred from and adapting the content for landing page to suit that platform accordingly. You need to keep in mind that content personalization is more than just including customer name field on your email campaign to make them feel special. It involves determining how found your site is found out by your target audience, why they are visiting your site, and where they came from so you can optimize your content to answer their queries. Let’s look at the two main referral sources that influence your content personalization campaigns.
Social Media Channels
When it comes to marketing or advertising, you cannot ignore social media as it got millions of active user traffic compared to search engines. Most popular players in social media marketing include Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and the number of businesses is integrating these sites as their primary marketing platforms.
Here is an example that will show how to personalize content for a visitor from Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn is by proving options to share your content that is specifically created for the social media channels. Since you already know where they have come from, it stands to reason they will head back there. So, it is important to persuade them to engage with your content. Your content will be lost in translation for a disinterested audience if there are no share buttons that will ensure the content shared suits the channel it is being shared on. L
Let’s have a look at the microblogging site Twitter, and we all know that messages called tweets must be within 140 characters. Here a long link and description taken directly from your content just won’t be effective. You have to make sure the content on the microblogging site is bite-sized and punchy with a shortened link. You need work for your target customers not for social media sites. Since Twitter limit messages to 140 characters, you need to encourage customers with the use of hashtags and likes a short link.
Email Campaigns
There are people in the marketing industry who believe that email marketing campaigns are dead, but in reality they are not, and many big businesses have utilized this type of marketing strategy in the past to boost their brand visibility. Also, most businesses still rely on newsletter subscriptions to announce upcoming offers, or product sales through dedicated email campaigns. It is important to do content optimization which is focused on customers instead of sending the same piece of content to all, so you need to make sure that you customize your email via targeted workflows and lead nurturing campaigns.
When it comes implementing your email campaign, you can personalize it by adding an invitation for your customers to take advantage of an ‘exclusive’ offer and a link directing the customer to a landing page relevant to the offer and their interests. It’s all about motivating your target customers to engage with their favorite brand (that is you) by taking advantage of your offer. The people who get your content need to feel as though it is portraying actual issues they are facing and offering viable solutions to solve those issues. When done correctly, personalized content will do just that and, at the same time, maximize better-quality leads for your business to enhance your brand reputation.
If you are opting inbound marketing approach to boost your brand awareness online, do not forget to redesign your website to make it search-friendly (or SEO-friendly), post content that is fresh, relevant, useful and visually attractive to your target audience.