Boosting Your Online Traffic Using Three Alternate Web Sources
As we all know, online traffic is one of the significant parameters that determine the success of a website, as it directly affects the number of leads that website acquires. For increasing online visibility for the website, most online marketing specialists focus their strategies towards the ‘traditional’ sources such as search engines, social networking sites, online directories, and some high ranking, authoritative websites. If you are not satisfied with the results generated from the above mentioned sources, there are other alternate sources you can consider for implementing your website promotion strategies. As like any other industry, online marketing is highly competitive and if you want to gain the upper hand over your competitors, here are few alternate sources where you put your hands on.
Use of Content Aggregators
There are some high authority content aggregators, which provide dofollow links that you send, you some quality online traffic to your site. These aggregator sites are frequently browsed by users who are interested in discovering new informative and useful content. For those who have never heard of an aggregator, it is a web application or software that aggregates and syndicate web content. By your posting content on aggregator sites, you can essentially multiply your reach many folds. For example, Alltop is an aggregator website that attracts some half-a-million unique visitors per month interested in one of the five-hundred topics featured on that site. If you are from the eCommerce industry and have created a blog that mentions about the different comparison shopping engines. You can post your blog in Alltop which will in turn generate some quality traffic for your site.
There are other high ranking and popular aggregators such as Google News, Yahoo News, Huffington Post, Bing News, Lockerdome and Newsvine which can be considered for gaining more web exposure for your content. Some of these aggregators may prompt you to make an account first, some may have an application process for accepting content and some will allow users to post a link which the aggregator site community can approve or disapprove.
Reddit attracts Millions of Unique Visitors Monthly
The popular social sharing platform Reddit is another source you can consider for boosting online traffic. It is a website where a user can share content such as news, entertainment, technology and many more. Reddit members can upvote (approve) or downvote (disapprove), link and comment on submissions and currently, this website attracts more than 174 million unique and active users per month. These visitors browse the site for news, entertainment, products, tips or instructional guides, which you are missing out on by not taking part in one or more conversations on Reddit. Also, this website is home to more 8000 active communities where most of them have about one million or more members.
Here is an example that shows the online traffic generating capability of Reddit. In August 2012, US President Barack Obama used Reddit to engage with the American public by starting an “Ask Me Anything” or popularly known as “AMA” thread and it generated 3 million views and more than 10,000 comments on the same day. Even though not everyone can attract that much of the traffic as the US President, but the examples show the potential of Reddit. For your information, all external links from Reddit are dofollow so when your post goes viral and your gets some SEO value for your content thanks to Reddit.
Viewing LinkedIn as a Blogging Platform
Most people think LinkedIn as a fully professional networking website but with the introduction of “Create a Post” feature in the social networking site makes it as a blogging platform. There are marketers who utilize LinkedIn as part of their social marketing strategy, but you can use the site for boosting online traffic to your site. LinkedIn has more than 300 million active users globally and they view about eight billion pages on average per month, which means that on average a user views 25.7 LinkedIn pages per month. You already have your connections (subscribers) who will see your post in their news feed. Also, your LinkedIn connections are very likely to share, like and comment on your content. Each like, share and comment expands your content’s reach depending on the number of connections your connection has.
You can use the above mentioned sources for increasing online traffic to your business website and if you find some difficulties in finding more alternate sources, then you can seek help from professionals who are good at this kind of tactics.